Tag Archives: overlap

Take-your-Jacquie-to-work Day

Yesterday I followed Morgan Gilbert. I sat down next to her in the coffee shop and enjoyed her presence so much that I followed her right on to work in the theatre office.

While Morgan focused on getting her French essay finished before 5:00, I wrote a haiku about Stuart Hall and Dick Hebdige entitled “Hebdige Looks Down the Hall,” and then read The Heirs of Columbus, a book which I find completely hilarious and incredibly confusing, but, as Fred Johnson put it so well:

“You’re special because when you get confused, you think it’s fun.”

And it is true: confusion makes me feel like a small child in a big world, and weren’t those just the good old days? Everything delighted and surprised you because you didn’t feel like you had to know everything. You would look at a big word and laugh just because it looked strange.

Once Morgan was ready to leave, we put up posters for Broadway Unbound.

I got to be the Tape Girl.

On a side note, if you saw my Facebook status, putting up posters was when I decided that I felt like a Russian princess. I began to feel this way because Morgan let me wear her hat, which, with my trench coat, created an outfit a lot like Anya in the Disney’s Anastasia when she still thinks that she is an orphan; and my hair stuck out in just the right way too.

I love following people into their lives. I think that’s where we get to know them the best, overlapping the tasks that we already have to do.

While I love my single life, I know that if a man decides to join it, that is something that I will need, overlap. Not all the attention in the world, but a lot of intention in being together as we go about our awesome and separate lives, good opportunities to talk as we pick up our groceries or whatever. I’ve rarely had that in a relationship. Guys have always made spending time with me seem like this separate controlled thing that they had to make time for. Couldn’t I just be invited into what you already do? Isn’t that where I would know the real you anyway?

Sometimes we need quality time, but sometimes we just need to take a friend to work.