Tag Archives: Libation

A Drink Offering

I was just reading Philippians and ran across a line where Paul says, “Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.”

I am familiar with this idea, but I’ve never paid any attention to that specific verse before.

In the old testament, there is a scene–I don’t remember where it is–but God wants to wipe out the people and Moses stands in the gap and says that he would rather be cut off so that the people could know God than to experience God himself.

That is love.

Jesus made that sacrifice ultimately.

The heart of the Lord, which is the heart I seek to have, is that I would become a sacrifice upon the altar of someone else’s faith.

To have that heart would be a miracle. I am not made to love like that apart from his work.


UPDATE: Reading this verse brought to mind a chapter in Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra in which he says, “Of all that is written I love only what a man has written with his blood. Write with blood, and you will find that blood is spirit.”

Since then, I have pieced together various other sources that discuss the theme of bloodwriting and self-sacrifice. I hope to expand these ideas for an R&S blog post in the near future. If I finish and they take it, I will post the link on this site for you.